Tuesday, November 27, 2012

What Does Obama Mean for Canada?

What Does Obama Mean for Canada?

                                          copyright: google/image/static.flickr.com

            Now that the American election is over, it’s time to start thinking about ourselves. Many Americans were torn between Obama and Romney; in the end it was Obama narrowly escaping with the victory. But enough about the U.S, what does this election mean for Canadians? According to the polls Canadians generally approve of Obama’s reelection. It could see a boost in both the Canadian economy as well as the American’s. With plans for the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline seemingly back on track, it seems not far off, hopefully. There are no guarantees that this will happen, but it looks a lot more probable then it did prior to the election. Ten months ago Obama shot down production plans for the XL pipeline due to environmental concerns. It seems that Obama has decided the economic crisis may be more critical then that of the environment. Climate change was not a hot button issue during the campaign, and it remains that way today. The economic crisis remains at the forefront of every ones concerns. Although our climate should be right near the top of the list it simply does not create jobs or economic growth, which both Americans and Canadians are in desperate need of. 

                                          copyright: google/image/geograph.org.uk

            If the Keystone project were to go through it would mean thousands of jobs for Canadians and an economic boost. Securing this project would create a growth in our oil exports to the United States because they would rely less on other foreign imports. Although the Canadian economy is in stronger position then that of the Americans, it would be financially beneficial for both countries to seriously consider this project.

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