Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Conservative Conspiracy

Alberta's political lanscape is shifting, for so long the Conservative party was so dominant it seemed there was no opposition. However, now with Wildrose party posing as big of a threat to the Conservatives as any one ever has, at least that I can remember in my short lifetime. The political scene appears to be more like a boxing ring then a functioning part of government, with the Wildrose providing most of the offence as late. They have once again jumped all over the opportunity to attack premier Alison Redford at what they are claiming to be the next big scandal.

For those who haven't herd all the attention this story is getting there is a brief article detailing the events. The issue being presented by the Wildrose party surrounds a multi-billion dollar government lawsuit which was granted to the firm at which Alison Redford's ex-husband was employed. This news fell shortly on the heels of the word that Redfords sister had used taxpayers money to host conservative events. Now I can't blame the opposition Wildrose for going on the attack, nor can I pretend as though the actions of the premier and the Conservative party as a whole are not in the wrong. I must however admit, I find myself a little apathetic to these cases.

To begin with Redford admits that she did suggest her husbands firm be considered for the job. But who wouldn't? If you honestly believe you would not use your position or connections to help benefit the people you care most about, you're only fooling yourself. We all do it, knowing the right people and building a network are vital in achieving success. Personally I can't see anything wrong with it. I have no justification for the actions of her sister but, would suggest that perhaps this is an isolated incident and should be dealt with as such. Rather than having it become the focal point of our government. The conservative party has certainly made some mistakes as of late, but how is this different from any politics.

Without turning this into an issue of my personal political preferences I want to focus on the matter of my apathy. I just don't really care whether or not Alison Redford helped her ex-husband get a contract. I wish the media and the opposition parties would spend less time focusing on side scandals that affect few Albertans and get back to doing something productive for the province.

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