Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Conspiracy Theories: The Illuminati and "New World Order"

Photo Credit: Derek Shumate

As some may know, or have heard of the terms, the Illuminati and New World Order are two conspiracy theories that have had some recent upheaval and attention. Is it because I have spent these last few years hearing about these theories that I feel a sudden pour of information has been washed a shore, or am I just being paranoid? It especially makes me curious because these theories have been around for many decades and suddenly it seems as though mass media is catching on and placing some kind of connotation on every recent movie and song being released. 

For those of you who are unfamiliar on these conspiracy theories, allow me to break the down the gist of them. The Illuminati is a conspiracy theory which holds the belief that there is some secret "global elite" society that has or is attempting to take control of the world and all of its power. It began as a secret society under a council of five men, which represented the five points that make up the pentagram. Their alleged plan and sole purpose is to create world domination for their Lord (who this Lord is varies widely). The Illuminati is also alleged to have a strong influence on the control of the world's economic system's and a one-world religious ethic. Illuminati members are said to be among the richest "1 percent" and are running organizations such as the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and the United Nations. They are also said to be the driving force of all control and manipulation of the school education programs, what is being portrayed in the press, as well as the political leaders of the nations. The Illuminati's most current board of elite are said to be the ones who have control of the world's major banks and I believe are the ones who had an extremely influential role in the October 2008 financial crisis in the United States. 

What would be the Illuminati's motive behind encouraging the financial crisis and playing a major role in it? The goal behind the Illuminati conspiracy would be to manage the crises of the world and eventually manipulate and brain wash the "masses" or the "people"  that a centralized economic system and one-world religious ethic will be the solution to all of the major financial crisis'. This brushes right into the term the New World Order. It is defined as a conspiracy theory which represents a new period of history that wants to have drastic change in the world and a balance of world power. It wants to involve groups of elitist people that have complete control of a single worldwide system of government. The Illuminati's proposal is not to create war and harm our world, but rather to free our world of war, all of our political strife and to eliminate poverty, hunger and disease.  I'll believe it when I see it… 

I just seem to find myself baffled by all of these allegations and ponder the real truth behind all of it.  I am curious to know what the readers think of all of this, do you think it is all just "cult fiction" and a bunch of garbage or is there some truth behind these elite groups with all of this power and money? True or not, history has proven time and again that no one world empire has ever survived, simply because of its innate flaws of greed, corruption and need for power. 

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