Thursday, September 27, 2012

Occupy The Food System!

Organic Farmer Lawsuit Against Monsanto

Photo Credit: Lily Hoads

One would have to be living under a rock to have not heard about the Occupy Wall Street movement over the last year. But now we have a new movement starting “Occupy the food system”, brought to us by Willie Nelson and the 99%. For those of us unfamiliar with Willie Nelson, he is a famous singer/songwriter, as well as the president of the Farmer’s Aid Foundation. Willie was likely unaware of the implications that his song “crazy”, recorded years ago, would have on the current situations of American farmers.

 It truly has become crazy with over 300,000 organic farmers, organic seed growers, and organic seed businesses beginning a lawsuit against Monsanto. The lawsuit addresses the bizarre but not recent issue of Monsanto harassing and threatening organic farmers with lawsuits of "patent infringement". This “patent infringement” is threatened if any organic farmer ends up with any trace amount of Monsanto’s genetically modified seeds on their organic products. Nelson recently made a request to the national Occupy movement, to declare an "Occupy the Food System" action against Monsanto and other monopolised farming giants such as Tyson.

Not only does this lawsuit debate the issue of Monsanto potentially ruining the organic farmers’ pure seeds and crops with the introduction of Monsanto’s genetically modified  seeds anywhere near the organic farms, but additionally the use of  Monsanto’s Roundup herbicides, further contaminating the nearby organic farms. This is an interesting tip of the scales in favour of the cherished farmers of America considering that not long ago Monsanto made it a practice to take organic farmers to court, with the claim that these farmers are attempting to steel Monsanto’s patented seed.

The farmers of course don’t want anything to do with the contaminated Monsanto seed in the first place. Genetic modification and use of heavy pesticide are far from organic… the whole reason they are certified organic farmers. They even have to go to extreme lengths from keeping their crops from being contaminated by spending allot of extra money and land for buffers which are hardly effective in deterring the contaminated seed from being swept in by the wind. But to add on to all of the trouble they go to grow organically now they have to worry about being sued by the very monster they detest. At this point, they even have to resort to not growing soybeans, corn, cotton, sugar beets, or canola what so ever. 

As of yet there is no rulling on the pending cases against Monsanto, but It will be very interesting to see how it all turns out, if the American Farmer underdogs will finnaly make a comeback against the monopolized giants of the agricultural world, or if their voices will be silenced by expensive lawyers and out of court settlements. Several documentaries have been made concerning this issue, specifically regarding Monsanto's unethical practices. You can find two of the documentaries as well as a youtube video of Willie Nelson and his wife reading a poem wrote in solidarity of occupy bellow:

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