Monday, October 1, 2012

An Apple a day... Keeps the wolves at bay

Bravo Steve Jobs, bravo! Although you may be gone your mark on our world will never be forgotten and your accomplishments will not go unrecognized. This summer Apple Inc. hit a major milestone when shares rose to $665.15 on Monday August 20, 2012 making the technology giant worth more than $624 billion. This surpasses previous records Microsoft set during the dot com bubble over a decade ago. (The Hollywood Reporter, August 20, 2012)

The beauty is, there are no signs of stopping for this innovator. The products we have come to know and love are still being upgraded and re-released along with recently released Iphone 5. From a company that was struggling to make a name for itself to competing with Microsoft to now, where they are literally creating the market. Apple Inc. has come a long way...

What impact does this have on a struggling US economy? A very good one apparently. According to Sci-tech, the Iphone 5 is expecting to generate $3 billion for the US economy by the year's end. This correlates roughly to a quarter of a percentage point in terms of growth. Unfortunately not one product such as the iPhone can lift the economy from its knees, but it's still a big help. Help that the US economy desperately needs. The article goes on to explain the economy is slated to only grow 2.5 - 3% till yeas end, a very low growth rate by any means.

So what's next for the big technology giant? Are we as consumers going to continually go back to apple every time they release a couple new features and rebrand it as "new". One thing is for certain, Apple has managed to build a massive loyalty base with its' customers. I recently purchased an Apple computer and I have to agree with the saying... "Once you go Mac, you don't go back".

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