Monday, October 1, 2012

Cyber Attacks target the heart of Canada

Photo Credit: Joan SerVass
An intriguing article was released this past week on CBC News Canada of a cyber-attack that successfully breached a Calgary control system. The supplier of the control system was head operator for Canada's major oil and gas pipelines, electrical power grids, public transit and the municipal water systems. According to a cyber crime expert who assessed the recent security breach, this incident was one of many cyber attacks that are becoming both common and potentially serious.

Similar to this incident, a cyber security website released a report that China has also been a blame of recent attacks. The Canadian Security intelligence Service warned corporations that major control systems are being attacked by hackers that are acting in a cyber-espionage. The CSIS recognized a daily cyber attack on major federal government officials, and documents under the information act released China as a country to blame for it. 

This article sparked my attention and concern for the future of our online security. Our technology advances continue to rapidly progress, making a less challenging break in for cyber attackers. This attack on major control systems is a global and national issue that can have a detrimental impact on millions of people and on the future of surrounding control systems. I am just one person, needless to say I cannot help but to be concerned for the level of protection my password's have on my computer linking me to bank account's and private information. This also relates to how hacker's have been able to access camera footage of bank locations and have had access to hundreds of bank accounts, this all just in Calgary. This incident really concern's me and the trust I put in technological usage. Even the top security systems are vulnerable to attack, and as the technology advances continue, so will the cyber attackers as they keep up with every technological update. This is something that Government and Canadian Security Intelligence Services needs to keep a tight watch on for the safety of everyone. 

1 comment:

  1. Very scary considering just how integrated our finance systems have become with technology. Personally, I rarely handle cash anymore I usually use plastic and I literally pay all of my bills with the TD Canada Trust app on my iphone (absolutely love it!). It's really nice to be able to put so much information in one place i.e. my phone with my emails, banking information, passwords, contacts, etc.

    Am I sacrificing security for the sake of convenience? I can say for certain that I am but convenience is such a beautiful commodity these days.
    I imagine it's the same for the supplier of the said control system with power grids, public transit & water controls. It would probably surprise most people as to just how much damage can be caused by a major cyber attack...

    It's true what they say no matter how smart you are there is always someone smarter out there. Hackers will always be able to eventually break any program down with enough time. Let's just hope the systems in place are strong enough to fight off these attacks. :)
