Monday, October 1, 2012

Obama vs. Romney

As November creeps closer it's no surprise about all the talk about the recent American Presidential election. After all, this isn't only a big deal for Americans but every other nation in the world as we have become so globalized that we are dependent on their success. Canadians should be especially concerned about this as they are our biggest trading partner. We depend a great deal on the US and probably more than we should and to make matters worse, Canada's increasing dollar is making our commodities more unappealing. One thing is for certain, Americans don't have an easy choice.

Both candidates are proposing different measures to handle the current economic crisis. The problem is it's not very evident which one will work better. On one side you have Mitt Romney who is proposing major tax breaks for all income levels to stimulate economic activity. On the other hand, you have Obama proposing more government spending for infrastructure but also more taxes against the rich in order to pay for social programs and counteract the deficit. It's seems fairly obvious where most of the wealthier Americans are going to place their choice. There's one problem with giving everyone tax breaks, you have to be certain that the economic activity stimulated from said tax breaks is more than the amount collected from taxes. Otherwise your helping the wealthiest individuals while hindering the poorer individuals who rely on essential social programs.

Personally, I believe you stick with Obama and it's a matter of finishing what you've started. Let us not forget how the Republicans got the US into this mess. Republicans are all for cutting taxes and deregulating systems and what happened when Bush cut taxes and deregulated certain sectors? Not a whole lot of good, the financial sector basically defrauded the American public by running the major banks into the ground while collecting their fat paycheques and bonuses on the side. And who's paying for it now? Well shoot would you look at that, the American public is, with money that they don't have. I think it's wrong to say... Ok let's vote Democrats because Republicans ruined the system and then be impatient and let the Republicans back in to ruin it once more. The thing is either way, the United States is looking at a rough patch ahead. You can look back at the progress made and say that maybe it was a little slow. Can you blame Obama though? I mean the guy is trying and the opposition doesn't make it easy for him to put anything through Senate by constantly battling over every detail.

I remember when Obama was first elected, the general consensus was that even if GOD himself was elected... The United States of America would still be f*$%ed.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed the article and the fact that you pointed out how we are becoming a global economy. The choices of other countries is having an increasing effect on our nation and it's important to pay attention. I have to agree with your choice also, four years wasn't nearly enough time for any government to fix the problems left behind by the Bush administration and I think they should stay the course.
