Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Rules For Being Human

Photo credit: Photographs of Museums in Newcastle 
upon Tyne including Life Interactive World, 
Laing Art Gallery and the Hancock Museum.

 “People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.”
― Abraham Lincoln

I know it’s hard to picture that the world we are living in is inherently perfect; it’s hard for me too! But that is because we forgot the rules, The Ten Rules for Being Human. I tried to find the origin of the rules and it took me quite some time because so many people claim to have created them, but it’s clear that the 10 Rules for Being Human were first published by Cherie Carter-Scott for her book If “Life is a Game, These are the Rules”, And were originally adapted from Ancient Sanskrit. Because they were living in a much less-cluttered world, these peoples were better-tuned to understanding life’s purposes than most religions to come after them. Perhaps this is because it wasn't so much a “religion” as an ideological way of life.

So what are the rules and how do we apply them?

  • 1.   You will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it’s the only thing you are sure to keep for the rest of your life. Our bodies are our temples so we must respect them and value them. Although we all have areas in which we dislike, we are unique and that makes us beautiful. 

  • 2.       You will learn lessons. In every aspect of our life we will learn and take the knowledge we have acquired to another aspect of our lives. Beyond high school and post secondary we will learn life lessons, like the dos and don’ts of relationships, or what not say around our children.
  • 3.        There are no mistakes, only lessons. We cant change the past but we can change our perspective on the future and use the lessons we have learned from our past to influence our future for the better.

  • 4.       A lesson is repeated until learned. Sometimes we may ask our selves “why does this keep happening to me?” when the answer may be right in front of you. For example, a boy might ask “why does every girl I date cheat on me?” well maybe the answer can be arranged from the question to “every girl I choose to date cheats on me, therefor i am choosing for them to cheat because I keep going after the same type of girl.” Untill this lesson is learned it will keep happening.
  • 5.        Learning lessons does not end. There is no part of life that does not contain lessons, even if it takes a days, months or years too see it. We can take knowledge from every experience in life.
  • 6.       “There” is no better than “here”.  The grass isn’t really greener on the other side, be thankful for where you have and where you want to go will come more readily.
  • 7.       Others are only mirrors of you. You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself. We must also realize that we cannot truly love another until we learn to love ourselves.
  • 8.       What you make of your life is up to you. Your life is a blank sheet, you can mark it up, design what you want it to look like, and if you make a mistake that’s what erasers are for! Although you can’t actually erase the past, it doesn't have to continue to your future!
  • 9.       The answers are inside you. The answer to any of life’s questions are within you, like “what is the meaning of life?” ask yourself and whatever you think, will be the answer, because it will be the meaning of your life.
  • 10.   You will forget all of this. You may be surprised to find out that you used to know the Rules for Being Human. That was before you were born, so you may not remember them. According to legend, an angel kissed you on the forehead at birth so you would forget them.

Death, despair, famine, genocide and other inhumane abominations plague our world on a daily basis. Although in North America it is easy for us to think “those things don’t happen here”, but it is our unwillingness to see that prevents us from seeing the tragedies occurring every day around us. With all of this it is hard to imagine that we are living in a perfect world, but we are. By God’s design, everything happens for a reason, a bigger picture is in play that we could never even attempt to fathom. But this doesn't forgo our responsibilities in our own life, believing we have no control… instead we need to realize that our happiness is in our attitude towards life and the way we think of things.

"If life is a game, these are the rules" By. Cherie Carter-Scott

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